Saturday 15 September 2012

Beyond the Fridge: Saving Your Kids Artwork

 A frequent problem for parents is what to do with all the artwork their kids produce.

We all love it, but let's face it: There just isn't enough room on the refrigerator. 

Here are some suggestions.

  • Laminate art at a copy or print shop to use as place mats or bookmarks.
  • Buy a blank craft calendar and add a piece of artwork each month to make a unique Christmas gift for a relative.
  • Store the favorites in a portfolio your child makes using a pizza box that you let them decorate (your local pizza parlor may donate a new one to you).
  • Scan your child's work into your computer to print out your own note cards. Don't forget to put the artist's name and title on the back of the card.
  • Devise a rotating art gallery. Each relative interested in participating gets to have a piece of art for a month, then it rotates to the next recipient.
  • Make a scrapbook page around the artwork.
Be creative! 

The most important thing is to let your child know you look forward to seeing them express themselves through art. 

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