Tuesday 27 March 2012

Natural Cycles Exhibition

24 March 2012 - Opening preview day

Since returning from my Summer Holiday, I was focused on finishing all the paintings for the Natural Cycles exhibition as well as getting everything ready for the big day. 

A solo exhibition is almost like a confession. It does not have the same dynamic as a group exhibition where weaker artists can hide behind stronger artists. If you go it alone you have to bear whatever the public view brings to you.

I am happy that the feedback I received was generally excellent. I achieved my goal of having this exhibition and putting my creative work out there. The pictures below are of the art work on display at The Depot Artspace gallery at 28 Clarence Street, Devonport, Auckland.

I will accept commissioned work to create similar works, but I could never reproduce any physical canvas. Contact me at:  info@theartworkshop.co.nz.  If you want to see more of my work click here: http://www.wix.com/sanemaribotha/theartworkshop#!

Natural Cycles 

Blissfully Unaware 

It seems Ok? 


Progress? (2) 


Where have all the flowers gone? 

From the other side 
From dust to dust...   
The tail end